You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
require __DIR__ . '/phpyLang.php';
$grammarFileToName = [ __DIR__ . '/php5.y' => 'Php5', __DIR__ . '/php7.y' => 'Php7', ];
$tokensFile = __DIR__ . '/tokens.y'; $tokensTemplate = __DIR__ . '/tokens.template'; $skeletonFile = __DIR__ . '/parser.template'; $tmpGrammarFile = __DIR__ . '/tmp_parser.phpy'; $tmpResultFile = __DIR__ . '/tmp_parser.php'; $resultDir = __DIR__ . '/../lib/PhpParser/Parser'; $tokensResultsFile = $resultDir . '/Tokens.php';
$kmyacc = getenv('KMYACC'); if (!$kmyacc) { // Use phpyacc from dev dependencies by default.
$kmyacc = __DIR__ . '/../vendor/bin/phpyacc'; }
$options = array_flip($argv); $optionDebug = isset($options['--debug']); $optionKeepTmpGrammar = isset($options['--keep-tmp-grammar']);
/// Main script ///
$tokens = file_get_contents($tokensFile);
foreach ($grammarFileToName as $grammarFile => $name) { echo "Building temporary $name grammar file.\n";
$grammarCode = file_get_contents($grammarFile); $grammarCode = str_replace('%tokens', $tokens, $grammarCode); $grammarCode = preprocessGrammar($grammarCode);
file_put_contents($tmpGrammarFile, $grammarCode);
$additionalArgs = $optionDebug ? '-t -v' : '';
echo "Building $name parser.\n"; $output = execCmd("$kmyacc $additionalArgs -m $skeletonFile -p $name $tmpGrammarFile");
$resultCode = file_get_contents($tmpResultFile); $resultCode = removeTrailingWhitespace($resultCode);
ensureDirExists($resultDir); file_put_contents("$resultDir/$name.php", $resultCode); unlink($tmpResultFile);
echo "Building token definition.\n"; $output = execCmd("$kmyacc -m $tokensTemplate $tmpGrammarFile"); rename($tmpResultFile, $tokensResultsFile);
if (!$optionKeepTmpGrammar) { unlink($tmpGrammarFile); } }
/// Utility helper functions ///
function ensureDirExists($dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } }
function execCmd($cmd) { $output = trim(shell_exec("$cmd 2>&1")); if ($output !== "") { echo "> " . $cmd . "\n"; echo $output; } return $output; }