You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

295 lines
9.8 KiB

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use App\Common\ReturnData;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Logic\ArticleLogic;
class ArticleController extends BaseController
public function __construct()
public function getLogic()
return new ArticleLogic();
public function index()
$res = '';
$where = function ($query) use ($res) {
if (isset($_REQUEST["keyword"])) {
$query->where('title', 'like', '%' . $_REQUEST['keyword'] . '%');
if (isset($_REQUEST["typeid"]) && $_REQUEST["typeid"] != 0) {
$query->where('typeid', $_REQUEST["typeid"]);
if (isset($_REQUEST["id"])) {
$query->where('typeid', $_REQUEST["id"]);
if (isset($_REQUEST["ischeck"])) {
$query->where('ischeck', $_REQUEST["ischeck"]); //未审核过的文章
$posts = $this->getLogic()->getPaginate($where, array('id', 'desc'));
$data['posts'] = $posts;
return view('admin.article.index', $data);
//if(!empty($_GET["id"])){$id = $_GET["id"];}else {$id="";}if(preg_match('/[0-9]*/',$id)){}else{exit;}
/* if(!empty($id)){$map['typeid']=$id;}
$Article = M("Article")->field('id')->where($map);
$counts = $Article->count();
$pagesize =CMS_PAGESIZE;$page =0;
if($counts % $pagesize){ //取总数据量除以每页数的余数
$pages = intval($counts/$pagesize) + 1; //如果有余数,则页数等于总数据量除以每页数的结果取整再加一,如果没有余数,则页数等于总数据量除以每页数的结果
}else{$pages = $counts/$pagesize;}
if(!empty($_GET["page"])){$page = $_GET["page"]-1;$nextpage=$_GET["page"]+1;$previouspage=$_GET["page"]-1;}else{$page = 0;$nextpage=2;$previouspage=0;}
$start = $page*$pagesize;
$Article = M("Article")->field('id,typeid,title,pubdate,click,litpic,tuijian')->where($map)->order('id desc')->limit($start,$pagesize)->select();
$this->counts = $counts;
$this->pages = $pages;
$this->page = $page;
$this->nextpage = $nextpage;
$this->previouspage = $previouspage;
$this->id = $id;
$this->posts = $Article; */
//echo '<pre>';
//return $this->fetch();
public function add()
$data['catid'] = 0;
if (isset($_REQUEST["catid"]) && $_REQUEST["catid"] > 0) {
$data['catid'] = $_REQUEST["catid"];
return view('admin.article.add', $data);
public function doadd()
$litpic = "";
if (!empty($_POST["litpic"])) {
$litpic = $_POST["litpic"];
} else {
$_POST['litpic'] = "";
} //缩略图
if (empty($_POST["description"])) {
if (!empty($_POST["body"])) {
$_POST['description'] = cut_str($_POST["body"]);
} //description
$content = "";
if (!empty($_POST["body"])) {
$content = $_POST["body"];
$_POST['user_id'] = $_SESSION['admin_info']['id']; // 发布者id
if (!empty($_POST["keywords"])) {
$_POST['keywords'] = str_replace("", ",", $_POST["keywords"]);
} else {
if (!empty($_POST["title"])) {
$title = $_POST["title"];
$title = str_replace("", "", $title);
$title = str_replace(",", "", $title);
$_POST['keywords'] = get_keywords($title);//标题分词
if (isset($_POST["dellink"]) && $_POST["dellink"] == 1 && !empty($content)) {
$content = replacelinks($content, array(sysconfig('CMS_BASEHOST')));
} //删除非站内链接
$_POST['body'] = $content;
if (isset($_POST["autolitpic"]) && $_POST["autolitpic"] && empty($litpic)) {
if (getfirstpic($content)) {
$imagepath = '.' . getfirstpic($content);
preg_match_all("/\/(.+)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png)$/iU", $imagepath, $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$saveimage = './uploads/' . date('Y/m', time()) . '/' . basename($imagepath, '.' . $out[2][0]) . '-lp.' . $out[2][0];
\Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::make($imagepath)->resize(sysconfig('CMS_IMGWIDTH'), sysconfig('CMS_IMGHEIGHT'))->save($saveimage);
$_POST['litpic'] = '/uploads/' . date('Y/m', time()) . '/' . basename($imagepath, '.' . $out[2][0]) . '-lp.' . $out[2][0];
$res = $this->getLogic()->add($_POST);
if ($res['code'] == ReturnData::SUCCESS) {
success_jump($res['msg'], route('admin_article'));
} else {
public function edit()
if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {
$id = $_GET["id"];
} else {
$id = "";
if (preg_match('/[0-9]*/', $id)) {
} else {
$data['id'] = $id;
$data['post'] = object_to_array($this->getLogic()->getOne(['id' => $id]), 1);
return view('admin.article.edit', $data);
public function doedit()
if (!empty($_POST["id"])) {
$id = $_POST["id"];
} else {
$id = "";
$litpic = "";
if (!empty($_POST["litpic"])) {
$litpic = $_POST["litpic"];
} else {
$_POST['litpic'] = "";
} //缩略图
if (empty($_POST["description"])) {
if (!empty($_POST["body"])) {
$_POST['description'] = cut_str($_POST["body"]);
} //description
$content = "";
if (!empty($_POST["body"])) {
$content = $_POST["body"];
if (!empty($_POST["keywords"])) {
$_POST['keywords'] = str_replace("", ",", $_POST["keywords"]);
} else {
if (!empty($_POST["title"])) {
$title = $_POST["title"];
$title = str_replace("", "", $title);
$title = str_replace(",", "", $title);
$_POST['keywords'] = get_keywords($title);//标题分词
if (isset($_POST["dellink"]) && $_POST["dellink"] == 1 && !empty($content)) {
$content = replacelinks($content, array(CMS_BASEHOST));
} //删除非站内链接
$_POST['body'] = $content;
if (isset($_POST["autolitpic"]) && $_POST["autolitpic"] && empty($litpic)) {
if (getfirstpic($content)) {
$imagepath = '.' . getfirstpic($content);
preg_match_all("/\/(.+)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png)$/iU", $imagepath, $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$saveimage = './uploads/' . date('Y/m', time()) . '/' . basename($imagepath, '.' . $out[2][0]) . '-lp.' . $out[2][0];
\Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::make($imagepath)->resize(sysconfig('CMS_IMGWIDTH'), sysconfig('CMS_IMGHEIGHT'))->save($saveimage);
$_POST['litpic'] = '/uploads/' . date('Y/m', time()) . '/' . basename($imagepath, '.' . $out[2][0]) . '-lp.' . $out[2][0];
$res = $this->getLogic()->edit($_POST, array('id' => $id));
if ($res['code'] == ReturnData::SUCCESS) {
success_jump($res['msg'], route('admin_article'));
} else {
public function del()
if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {
$id = $_GET["id"];
} else {
if (DB::table("article")->whereIn("id", explode(',', $id))->delete()) {
success_jump("$id ,删除成功");
} else {
error_jump("$id ,删除失败!请重新提交");
public function repetarc()
$data['posts'] = object_to_array(DB::table('article')->select(DB::raw('title,count(*) AS count'))->orderBy('count', 'desc')->groupBy('title')->having('count', '>', 1)->get());
return view('admin.article.repetarc', $data);
public function recommendarc()
if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {
$id = $_GET["id"];
} else {
} //if(preg_match('/[0-9]*/',$id)){}else{exit;}
$data['tuijian'] = 1;
if (DB::table("article")->whereIn("id", explode(',', $id))->update($data)) {
success_jump("$id ,推荐成功");
} else {
error_jump("$id ,推荐失败!请重新提交");
public function articleexists()
$res = '';
$where = function ($query) use ($res) {
if (isset($_REQUEST["title"])) {
$query->where('title', $_REQUEST["title"]);
if (isset($_REQUEST["id"])) {
$query->where('id', '<>', $_REQUEST["id"]);
return DB::table("article")->where($where)->count();